(CTN News) – A jury in the state of Starbucks California decided that a delivery worker was fifty million dollars in damages. This ruling came about because the jury decided that a Starbucks store had handled a hot beverage carelessly.
As Michael Garcia was seated at a drive-through, a cup of tea spilt on his lap and caused a lifetime deformity in his penis. This incident led him to sue the cafe network following its occurrence.
The incident drove him to decide to submit the complaint. Following the incident, Garcia’s attorney, Nick Rowley, issued a news release declaring that Garcia’s “life has been permanently changed” by the circumstances.
Rowley said in the statement, “no amount of money can undo the permanent catastrophic harm he has suffered,” to the gathering. “But this jury decision is a crucial step in making Starbucks answerable for extreme negligence of customer safety and lack of responsibility.” Rowley was speaking from the events of the incident at the time he said this.
Starbucks has said it has “always been committed to the highest safety standards in our stores,” even if the business is intending to appeal the ruling. “We empathise with Mr. Garcia;
However, we contest the jury’s determination of our culpability in this incident and consider the awarded damages to be exorbitant,” claimed a spokesperson for Starbucks. This statement to Mr. Garcia’s case against Starbucks adds, “We believe the awarded damages are excessive.”
Garcia’s attorney claims that Garcia began working as a delivery driver for Postmates on February 8, 2020. Garcia was currently working.
He bought three venti “medicine ball” teas at a LA Starbucks.
According to reports, Garcia was under the influence of alcohol at the time in question. In the course of his duties as a Postmate, Garcia was delivering packages to customers.
There was a cup that fell directly onto his lap as he sat down at the drive-through window, and the lid of one of the beverages popped off. Both the cardboard carrier that housed the beverages and the container itself were supplied to him. He was given the cardboard carrier.
In a video that was produced by Rowley’s company, the exact moment that the tea pours over Garcia’s lap is captured on camera.
Additionally, it appears that the camera shows staff of Starbucks producing the beverages there. Garcia’s attorney argued that the employee who was working at the window had failed to securely secure the beverage container in the carrier. This statement was made throughout the procedures that took place in court.
His penis, groin, and inner thighs were all scorched to a third-degree degree. His body was likewise charred in the same way. Garcia suffered hurt as well.
Rowley’s company claims Garcia had two skin grafts on his penis at Grossman Burn Centre. These were carried out at the site. This makes Garcia uncomfortable anytime there is conflict in the area the grafts have developed.
This legal issue and the well-known McDonald’s coffee scandal have links, but they might not be obvious. Stella Liebeck, 79, was sitting at a drive-through in New Mexico in 1992 when a McDonald’s coffee splilt landed on her lap. She suffered burns of the third degree.
The data presented throughout the testing revealed that McDonald’s coffee was noticeably hotter than the coffee offered at other outlets. This is so even if there are some who consider the Liebeck case to be a frivolous lawsuit.
The American Museum of Tort Law claims that McDonald’s coffee has burned at least seven hundred more people; still, the company’s policy of keeping its coffee between 180 and 190 degrees has not changed.
The woman, who was 79 years old at the time, first asked McDonald’s to cover her medical bills, according a Journal of Consumer & Commercial Law article. She chose not to sue the business until after they had said they would not be following her demand.
She first received punitive damages of $2.7 million; but, the court eventually lowered the jury’s decision based on the facts put forth. Liebeck and McDonald’s reached an understanding to resolve their conflict on an amount not revealed.
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Salman Ahmad is known for his significant contributions to esteemed publications like the Times of India and the Express Tribune. Salman has carved a niche as a freelance journalist, combining thorough research with engaging reporting.