On Tuesday, officers from Phan Police Station in Chiang Rai were called to a traffic accident on Phahonyothin Road. An oil tanker truck had overturned and was leaking oil.
Officers rushed to inspect the accident scene and found a white Isuzu oil tanker overturned in the middle of the two-lane road heading into Chiang Rai City, preventing vehicles from passing.
The truck had completely blocked the road, and oil leaked from the tank and covered the road.
When the police officers inspected the truck cabin, they found the driver, 53, unconscious inside. He was rushed to Phan Hospital by ambulance.
Officers quickly blocked the road, allowed vehicles to pass in the opposite direction, and called in a crane to upright the tanker while highway department workers cleaned up the spilled oil.
Initially, it is still unclear how the vehicle was able to overturn because the accident occurred on a straight road with 4 lanes.
Doctors at Phan Hospital told police they needed to wait until the driver’s condition improved before he could be questioned.
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