Affective Advertising Policy Sept 1, 2024 – CTN News Media generates the income necessary to counterbalance its operating expenses by utilising a diverse array of business advertising models.

In order to finance our operations, we frequently implement a variety of financing strategies. This is because we are of the opinion that increased funding opportunities results in greater self-determination and freedom. We are cognisant of the potential for sponsorship to compromise editorial independence, regardless of the circumstances.

Following the procedures outlined below, CTN News accepts sponsorship or advertising from corporations, societies, or other organisations:

Each advertisement and commercially sponsored publication is autonomous from editorial decisions. CTN News does not endorse any product or service represented as an advertisement or promoted by a sponsor in the publication. Commercial or financial interests, or any specific arrangements with advertising clients or sponsors, do not compromise editorial content.

Advertising Standards

1. The publisher or editor must approve all advertisements. Nevertheless, the publisher or editor shall not withhold such sanction without reasonable cause.

2. Advertising is distinct from journalistic content. Advertisers and sponsors should not be privy to our editorial content in advance, nor should editors modify it to accommodate advertising. There is no correlation between advertisers and publishers’ editorial decisions or advertising policies.

3. The publication of an advertisement by the publisher does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of the product, service, or company in question, nor does it endorse the claims made in the advertisement by the publisher, society, or editorial partner.

4. Advertising that appears in CTN News will be readily identifiable as opposed to editorial content.

5. The advertising sales representatives of the publisher are not in possession of any prior knowledge or control over specific editorial content prior to its publication.

6. The results of queries that a user conducts on CTN News are not under the control or influence of advertisers. The functionality of our search software (e.g., keywords or natural language) and user-defined criteria (e.g., displaying the most recent or most relevant items first) are the singular determinants of search results.

7. The publisher is not liable for the indexing or search results on any third-party website. The publisher is not responsible for the indexing of advertisers’ content on search engines, and is neither implied nor explicitly stated. The publisher is not accountable for compliance actions taken by third-party websites.

8. The advertiser and the agency consent to indemnify and hold harmless the publisher, its officers, agents, and employees against expenses (including legal fees) and losses that may arise from the publication of the advertisement’s contents, including, but not limited to, claims or suits for libel, violation of privacy, copyright infringement, third-party spam policies, or plagiarism, in exchange for the publication of an advertisement.

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11. The publisher’s prior written sanction is required for any reference to the publisher or its products or services in advertisements, promotional material, or merchandising by the advertiser or the agency.

12. The publisher is not liable for any damages, including but not limited to actual, direct, incidental, or consequential damages, that result from errors in the display of an advertisement.

13. The publisher will not be accountable for any condition, whether displayed or not, that appears on any insertion order or copy instructions if such conditions are inconsistent with the conditions outlined in this policy statement.

14. The publisher reserves the right to hold the advertiser and/or its advertising agency liable for any monies that are due and payable to the publisher in the event of nonpayment.

15. The publisher must authorise the use of publication trademarks or copyrighted material for links to and from the website in advance. Prohibited is any form of unauthorised connection.

16. All advertisements for recruitment or employment must be nondiscriminatory and in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations. We will not accept advertisements of this nature that discriminate against applicants based on sex, age, race, religion, marital status, or physical handicap. A written confirmation from non-U.S. recruitment advertisers that they are equal-opportunity employers is required.

17. Products that are advertised must adhere to the regulations of the country in which they are displayed.

18. The publisher does not disclose personally identifiable information regarding the consumers of our websites or email service to advertisers.

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