Discover effective homemade cough syrups that provide dry and productive cough relief. Honey, garlic, and oregano are natural ingredients that can alleviate irritation and promote respiratory health. Attempt these straightforward remedies immediately!
Did you know that cough medication costs approximately $4 billion annually globally?
DIY cough syrups can help ease both dry and productive coughs. For example, carrots, honey, or oregano syrups are great for soothing dry coughs. Their calming properties relieve the cough reflex and moisturize the throat.
Homemade syrups with expectorant and bronchodilator properties, like eggplant cough syrup or a mixture of garlic, honey, and onion, are effective for productive coughs. They help dilute secretions and make it easier to expel sputum.
Despite the potential benefits of these homemade cough syrup, they should not be used as a substitute for the treatment recommended by your physician. Alternatively, if your physician authorised them, these syrups may be employed as an adjunct to your medical treatment.
Homemade Syrups for Relieving Dry Cough
Allergies, asthma, cigarette smoke, or pollution can induce a dry cough. Some natural options to relieve dry coughs include.
1. Cough syrup containing carrots
Carrot cough syrup is an exceptional domestic remedy for dry coughs. It alleviates the cough by lubricating the pharynx and reducing irritation.
- One medium carrot
- One tablespoon of caramelised sugar
- One tablespoon of honey
- Half of a lemon’s juice
Preparation methods:
Rinse the carrot well and cut it into thin slices. Put the slices in a glass container and mix in sugar, honey, and lemon juice. Blend everything thoroughly with a spatula. Close the lid tightly and let the mixture infuse at room temperature for one day. This Homemade Cough syrup can be taken twice a day in a dosage of 1 teaspoon.
This Homemade Cough syrup is not advised for individuals with a honey allergy or those under two. Patients with intestinal bowel syndrome or fructose intolerance should also refrain from consuming carrot syrup. If you have diabetes, it is important to exercise caution when using it.
2. Cough syrup containing oregano
Oregano cough medication is a potent antitussive that can alleviate dry coughing.
- One tablespoon of honey
- One teaspoon of oregano
Preparation methods:
Combine the ingredients in a glass container and microwave for 10 seconds. Allow it to settle before consuming it twice to three times daily.
This syrup is contraindicated for individuals who are expectant or breastfeeding, as well as those who have an oregano allergy.
Additionally, it is not advised for individuals with fructose intolerance or IBS, as well as for children under the age of two. If you have diabetes, it is important to exercise caution when using it.
3. A cough syrup containing ginger and citrus
Ginger and lemon syrup are anti-inflammatory, reduce airway irritation, relieve coughs, and strengthen the immune system. Examine the additional health advantages that ginger provides.
- 250 millilitres (approximately one cup) of water
- One tablespoon of lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon of ginger that has been freshly grated
- One tablespoon of caramelised sugar
Preparation methods:
Combine sugar and water in a container. Heat until boiling, stirring continuously to ensure the sugar dissolves completely. Afterwards, add ginger and remove the container from the heat.
Cover the container and let it cool. Once cooled, pour the mixture into a glass jar, add lemon juice, and mix well. You can take this Homemade Cough syrup up to three times a day, with a serving size of one teaspoon.
Ginger syrup should not be administered to children under the age of six or to patients with a history of gallbladder stones, anticoagulant medication, elevated blood pressure, or diabetes. Pregnant women should also refrain from consuming it.
4. Echinacea cough medication
Echinacea is rich in antioxidants and possesses anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties. It may help relieve symptoms of the flu, allergies, and colds, including dry coughs and nasal congestion.
- 300 millilitres (approximately one cup) of water
- Two teaspoons of echinacea roots
- Two tablespoons of caramelised sugar
Preparation methods:
Add sugar to a pot and heat until it melts at the edges. Next, incorporate the water and echinacea roots, simmering for 10 minutes. Afterwards, let it settle before straining. You can take one tablespoon up to three times a day.
This homemade cough syrup is not recommended for minors, pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is also unsuitable for individuals with tuberculosis, leukaemia, multiple sclerosis, or autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or psoriasis. Diabetics should proceed with caution when using it.
5. Syrup containing green anise, liquorice, and thyme
The respiratory tract is soothed by cough medication formulated with thyme, liquorice root, and green anise seeds. The honey can alleviate respiratory irritation, which can alleviate a dry cough.
- One tablespoon of powdered thyme
- One tablespoon of desiccated liquorice root
- One tablespoon of green anise seeds
- 500 millilitres of water
- 250 millilitres of honey
Methods for preparation
Place the green anise seeds, liquorice root, and water in a vessel, cover it, and allow it to boil for up to 15 minutes. After that, remove the dish from the heat and incorporate the thyme. Cover the dish and allow it to chill. Subsequently, strain the mixture and incorporate the honey.
Store this Homemade Cough syrup in a clean, dry glass container in the refrigerator for three months.
It is not recommended that this Homemade Cough syrup be consumed by children, pregnant or lactating women, or individuals with a history of high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney issues, or estrogen-dependent diseases (such as endometriosis, breast cancer, or ovarian cancer).
Homemade syrups for productive coughs
Bronchitis, bronchiolitis, or tuberculosis are numerous causes of a cough that produces sputum. Examine the potential triggers of a productive cough. Here are a few examples of homemade cough syrup that are effective for productive coughs:
1. Guaco and Pennyroyal cough medication
Guaco and pennyroyal are medicinal plants with bronchodilating, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties. They can be extremely beneficial for treating productive congestion.
- Two teaspoons of pennyroyal fronds
- Four guaco leaves that have been thoroughly cleaned and dried
- 500 millilitres (approximately two glasses) of water
- Three tablespoons of caramelised sugar
Preparation methods:
Heat the sugar over medium heat in a large saucepan until it caramelizes. Next, add the water, guaco, and pennyroyal leaves to the kettle, stirring until the sugar dissolves completely. Simmer the mixture for 10 minutes, then let it settle before straining. Pour the final mixture into a glass container and seal it with a lid. You can take one to two teaspoons of this cough remedy each day.
Children under the age of two and pregnant or lactating women should not consume this homemade cough syrup. It should also not be administered to patients with a history of renal disease, chronic respiratory disease, tuberculosis, diabetes, or malignancy.
Individuals taking anticoagulant medications or the medicinal plant tabebuiaavellanedae (pink trumpet tree) should not use this cough elixir.
2. Cough syrup made from aubergine
Eggplant cough medication is an effective remedy for a phlegmy cough due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
- One aubergine
- Two tablespoons of caramelised sugar
Preparation methods:
Wash the aubergine well and cut it into thin slices. Put the slices in a clean, dry glass container. After adding it to the container, stir in the brown sugar with a spoon. Close the lid tightly and let it infuse for 24 hours.
You can consume this Homemade Cough syrup up to three times daily, with a maximum of two tablespoons. However, it is recommended that small infants consume only one tablespoon of food three times per day.
Diabetics should exercise caution when consuming this Homemade Cough syrup, as it can potentially elevate blood sugar levels.
3. Honey syrup, garlic, and onion
Garlic, onion, and honey syrup possess anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and expectorant properties that alleviate wheezing and dilute phlegm.
- One onion, shredded
- One garlic clove smashed. The juice of half a lemon
- Three tablespoons of honey
Preparation methods:
Cover the onion and garlic in a glass container with honey and lemon juice. Combine thoroughly using a spatula. Screw the covering on securely and refrigerate for one day.
This Homemade Cough syrup may be administered to children up to three times daily at half a teaspoon. Adults can consume one teaspoon of the substance up to three times daily. For one week, this syrup may be stored in the refrigerator without risk of spoilage.
Cough medication containing garlic, onion, or honey should not be administered to children under two. It is also not advised for individuals with fructose intolerance or IBS, and diabetics should exercise caution when using it.
Homemade cough syrups, both natural and effective, can alleviate dry and productive coughs. Using ingredients such as ginger, garlic, honey, and herbs, these remedies can alleviate irritation, promote the expulsion of phlegm, and soothe the larynx. Although these syrups may offer relief, it is crucial to seek the advice of a healthcare provider, particularly if symptoms persist. Complement your physician’s treatment regimen with these remedies to optimise outcomes.
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Salman Ahmad is known for his significant contributions to esteemed publications like the Times of India and the Express Tribune. Salman has carved a niche as a freelance journalist, combining thorough research with engaging reporting.