5 Parenting Tips You Should Be Using to Help Children with Adulthood

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5 Parenting Tips You Should Be Using to Help Children with Adulthood

Making the transition from childhood to adulthood can be tricky, and members of Generation Z are in an even more difficult situation due to the global pandemic. Graduating from college and high school in these unconventional times can mean a rocky transition into adulthood.

The great news is that even the pandemic can’t fully stop any young adult looking to make a transition if they’re willing to be open-minded and put some work into the things they can control. With more time for focus, contemplation, and planning than ever, young adults are also in a unique situation of a period forcing them to reflect on their overall goals. If you’re a young adult or are helping a young adult transition into adulthood, here are five tips to consider to make that change easier.


1. Moving On from the Past

One of the first steps to take when moving toward adulthood is putting away parts of the past that give you discomfort. Maybe you got a bad tattoo on break with your fraternity and worry that your unwanted tattoo will hurt your career.

The great news is that something as permanent as unwanted ink can be solved with a tattoo removal process. The best way to get rid of unwanted tattoo ink is to start with a Google search for ‘laser tattoo removal near me.’

managing finances

2. Managing Finances

As a young adult, it can be easy to sign up for credit cards without thinking much about interest rates or the long term consequences of impulsive spending. If you hope to transition into the independence that comes with adulthood without financial issues, you’ll want to take a close look at your finances. Whether it’s with a goal to secure a car finance or get your first apartment, a good credit score and low debt to income ratio will go far in helping you transition into adulthood.

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3. Redecorating and Makeovers

Tattoos aren’t the only scars you might want to get rid of. Old heartbreaks, issues with self-esteem or people who hurt you, and bad habits are something to address, too. If you need help putting the past behind you before launching into your new phase of life, consider finding a licensed therapist who can help you to break old habits and set new goals.

career paths

4. Finding Employment and Career Paths

Whether you’ve been working since high school or are looking for your first career job, it’s important to know where you’re heading. Take the time to write down a list of dream jobs and jobs you qualify for now. Do some homework on how to meet your ultimate career goals.

Consider building a vision board for your career path and where you see yourself at different intervals. What does your career look like in a year? What about five? How will you get there? All of this is important when it comes to holding yourself accountable and will increase your ultimate odds of meeting those career goals.

Being Authentic

5. Being Authentic

Adult or not, it’s important to be yourself. Nothing screams confidence and adult like a person who isn’t afraid to advocate for themselves tactfully. Take some time to work on your self-esteem and figuring out who you want to be. While you don’t need all the answers now, having a clear awareness of your values and personal goals will help.

At the end of the day, change is never easy. You can make your transition into adulthood easier by following these tips and reminding yourself that adulthood is coming no matter what. Five years from now, you’ll be an expert living your own best life and have great insights to share with others taking that first step into adulthood.

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