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Strategically Stylish Optimal Sofa Placement for Your Home with Novo Place EC



Novo Place EC

Novo Place EC with its variety of transportation options and convenient location, is the perfect residential option for individuals and families looking for seamless travel within Singapore. Novo Place EC is naturally positioned as a well-connected and easily accessible choice for those seeking a hassle-free commute.

Functionality the comfort of your sofa

Apart from style and functionality, the comfort of your sofa is another important factor to consider. A sofa is not just a piece of furniture; it is a place where you will spend a significant amount of time, whether entertaining guests or relaxing after a long day. Novo Place EC’s sofas are designed with comfort in mind, ensuring that you can sink into your sofa and unwind in ultimate comfort.

Last but not least, the placement of your sofa should also consider the placement of other furniture pieces in the living room. It is important to create a cohesive and balanced look by strategically placing other furniture items such as coffee tables, side tables, and armchairs around the sofa. Novo Place EC offers a range of complementary furniture pieces, making it easier to create a cohesive and stylish living room.

Novo Place EC

Designing your home with Novo Place EC

When it comes to designing your home, one of the biggest decisions you will make is where to place your sofa. The sofa is often the centerpiece of the living room, and its placement can greatly affect the overall look and feel of the space. With the rise of open floor plans and smaller living spaces, the importance of strategic sofa placement has only increased. In this article, we will explore how to optimize your sofa placement for both style and functionality with the help of Novo Place EC.

First and foremost, it is important to consider the size of your living room and the size of your sofa. In a larger living room, you have more flexibility with placement options. Placing the sofa in the center of the room can create a grand and inviting atmosphere. However, in a smaller living room, placing the sofa against the wall can help maximize space. Novo Place EC offers a range of sofa sizes to choose from, making it easier to find the perfect fit for your living room.

Style of your sofa

In addition to size, the style of your sofa is also a crucial factor to consider. Novo Place EC offers a variety of sofa styles, from classic to modern, ensuring that there is something for every taste and design aesthetic. When deciding on the style of your sofa, think about the overall theme and decor of your living room. A sleek and modern sofa can add a touch of elegance to a contemporary space, while a cozy and overstuffed sofa can create a more traditional and inviting feel.

In conclusion, Princess Elizabeth Primary School is a highly respected educational institution committed to providing a holistic education to its students. With its outstanding academic track record, diverse student body, and emphasis on character development, it is a top choice for parents seeking a well-rounded education for their children.

Additionally, with its strong connections to the wider community and modern facilities, Princess Elizabeth Primary School offers students a supportive and enriching learning experience. It is without a doubt a top choice for families in search of a reputable and high-quality primary school for their child.

Situated within close proximity to other renowned schools and educational institutions, Princess Elizabeth Primary School is well-connected to the wider community. Its modern facilities and dedicated teaching staff provide students with a conducive learning environment where they can thrive and reach their full potential.

Novo Place EC

Placement of your sofa

Additionally, the placement of your sofa should also take into account the natural light in the room. Placing the sofa near a window or in front of a large bay window can provide an abundance of natural light, making the space feel brighter and more open. Novo Place EC’s range of sofas offers a variety of fabric and color options that can help reflect and enhance the natural light in your living room.

Furthermore, Princess Elizabeth Primary School places great value on character development and offers a range of extracurricular activities to promote well-rounded individuals. Students have the opportunity to participate in various clubs and organizations, such as the student council, music club, and sports teams, allowing them to develop their skills and interests outside of the classroom.

Another important aspect to consider when placing your sofa is the traffic flow in your living room. It is essential to ensure that your sofa does not block any pathways or doorways. Placing the sofa against a wall can help avoid any obstruction and keep the flow of the room open and functional. Novo Place EC offers modular sofa options, allowing you to customize the configuration to fit your living room layout perfectly


The placement of your sofa can greatly impact the overall look and feel of your living room. By considering factors such as size, style, traffic flow, natural light, comfort, and placement of other furniture pieces, you can strategically place your sofa to optimize both style and functionality. With Novo Place EC’s range of sofa options, you can find the perfect sofa to fit your living room and create a stylish and welcoming space for you and your family.

The acquisition of the site by Wong Swee Chun, chairman of Hoi Hup Realty, has been met with great satisfaction. He has asserted that the site has immense potential for showcasing their expertise in building exquisite, eco-friendly and functional executive condominiums.

Future residents of Novo Place EC can look forward to enjoying the various amenities and resources available in the newly developed Tengah Town, as well as the enhanced offerings of the Jurong Regional Centre and Jurong Lake District.

Additionally, the school boasts a diverse student body, offering students the opportunity to learn and interact with peers of different backgrounds.

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