Early Wednesday morning, a stampede in Uttar Pradesh, India, led to nearly 40 fatalities and many injuries. Millions had gathered to celebrate the most significant day of the six-week Hindu festival Kumbh Mela, which involves bathing in the holy river waters.
The death toll was nearly 40, according to three police sources and a Reuters witness, even though state authorities had claimed 30 fatalities.
More than 12 hours after the tragedy at the world’s largest gathering of humankind, bodies were still being transported to the Moti Lal Nehru Medical College hospital morgue. “A greater number of bodies are being received.” One of the sources stated, “We have nearly 40 bodies here.”
Senior police officer Vaibhav Krishna informed reporters that 90 individuals were transported to the hospital following the pandemonium. Thirty of these individuals succumbed to their injuries, while the remaining were receiving treatment.
Nevertheless, the state government commended the police for averting a potential tragedy.
PM Modi extended his condolences to “devotees who have lost their loved ones” without providing an exact figure for the deceased.
Opposition parties attributed the stampede to the government’s “mismanagement” and “VIP culture.”
Rahul Gandhi, head of the primary opposition Congress party, remarked on X that the government should enhance provisions for ordinary worshippers and reduce VIP culture, highlighting the unequal treatment of politicians and celebrities.
Millions of Hindu pilgrims flock to sacred riverbanks in India for the world’s largest religious festival and the largest assemblage of humanity.
What is Kumbh Mela
The Kumbh Mela is a spiritual occasion that draws millions of Hindu devotees and seekers from India and beyond.
The event is profoundly rooted in Hindu mythology and is centred on the belief in the purifying power of sacred rivers. Pilgrims are under the impression that bathing in these rivers will purify them of their transgressions and bring them closer to spiritual liberation.
The festival alternates between four critical locations in India: Prayagraj (formerly Allahabad), Haridwar, Nashik, and Ujjain. Each location is associated with a sacred river, such as the Ganges, Godavari, or Shipra.
The four cities host a complete Kumbh Mela every 12 years. In the interim between two complete Kumbhs, a half Kumbh (“Ard”) is conducted.
According to officials, the 2025 festival is a Maha (Great) Kumbh Mela, occurring only every 144 years, rendering it an even more significant event.
What is the significance of Kumbh Mela?
“Kumbh Mela” represents the “Festival of the Pitcher” in Sanskrit.
In Hindu mythology, “Kumbh” is the name of the pitcher or vessel that contained the nectar of immortality, while “Mela” denotes a fair or gathering.
The tale of the Samudra Manthan describes how gods and demons churn the ocean of milk to seek the elixir of immortality, as narrated in Hindu scriptures.
Four drops of this nectar fell on the locations where Kumbh Mela is currently commemorated, rendering them sacred, according to mythology.
What is the reason for the pilgrimage to Kumbh Mela?
The Kumbh Mela attracts a diverse crowd, including sadhus (Hindu holy men), local citizens, families, and international visitors.
While Hindus comprise the majority of attendees, individuals of other faiths who are intrigued by its spiritual and cultural significance also express interest in the event.
In the final analysis, the festival allows participants to pursue spiritual renewal and salvation.
Bathing in the sacred rivers during the festival is believed to absolve sins, liberate participants from the cycle of rebirth, and bring them closer to moksha (spiritual liberation).
The journey to Kumbh Mela is a unique experience for many, offering a chance to strengthen their faith and engage deeply with the traditions of Hindu spirituality.
What is the duration of the Kumbh Mela?
The 2025 Kumbh Mela is scheduled to occur from January 13 to February 26, with the festivity typically lasting approximately 45 days.
The event concludes following the final designated bathing day, which is referred to as the last shahi snan (royal bath).
Astrologers and religious authorities determine the schedule and duration of each Kumbh Mela.
What transpires during the Kumbh Mela?
The festival is a fusion of cultural activities and religious rituals.
The shahi snan, or royal baths, is the most notable attraction. These ceremonial baths are performed by groups of sadhus, including naga sadhus, who are known for their tradition of covering themselves in ash, representing their renunciation.
In addition to bathing rituals, Kumbh Mela encompasses spiritual discourse, religious processions, petitions, and cultural performances.
Religious organizations established several temporary camps to provide food, shelter, and opportunities for spiritual instruction.
How many individuals participate in the Kumbh Mela?
The scale of the Kumbh Mela is unmatched. The 2025 Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj is notable for its vast size, even though attendance can vary.
Authorities anticipate that approximately 400 million individuals will participate over the 45 days.
The attendees were dispersed along the shores of the rivers, covering a distance of approximately 12 kilometres.
Officials compile the number of pilgrims using various sources but acknowledge that some duplication may occur. For example, they conduct the daily count of the one million long-term pilgrims, known as Kalpwasis.
CCTV cameras monitor the population density in real time, and manual headcounts are conducted at the entry and exit points to verify the numbers.
Drone surveillance offers aerial views of densely populated areas, particularly during peak events such as sacred bathing days.
The number of active mobile devices in the area is also used to estimate population sizes by analysing mobile phone data.
Salman Ahmad is known for his significant contributions to esteemed publications like the Times of India and the Express Tribune. Salman has carved a niche as a freelance journalist, combining thorough research with engaging reporting.