Jasmine Crockett Gets Insulted By Majorie Taylor Greene At Oversight Committee Hearing

Salman Ahmad
Salman Ahmad
5 Min Read

(CTN News) – Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia, made a casual comment about Representative Jasmine Crockett, a Democrat from Texas, on Thursday night that sent the House Oversight Committee into chaos. Greene is a member of the House of Representatives.

The disagreement between Jasmine Crockett and Greene started very immediately, with Jasmine Crockett insinuating that Greene was unaware of the reason for the hearing. Greene was given the opportunity to respond.

Greene made the observation that “I believe that the fake eyelashes you are wearing are making it difficult for you to read.”

During the uproar that ensued, the chair of the committee, James Comer (R-Kentucky), called for order, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) requested that the committee “take down” Greene’s words. This request was essentially a reprimand for Greene’s criticism of another politician.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made the statement, “That is completely unacceptable; how dare you attack the physical appearance of another person?” the statement was made.

“Are you experiencing any sadness?” asked Greene.

She refused to apologize, and Jasmine Crockett Greene and Ocasio-Cortez began their back-and-forth after Greene agreed to “strike” her words. Greene’s statements were found to be offensive.

As quickly as possible, Comer put the hearing on hold for a few minutes so that the members could meet with their respective parliamentary experts. Comer “stricken” Greene’s comments for a variety of reasons.

Comer pleaded with them, “Come on, fellas,” and they complied.

Are you not going to argue with me? Why don’t you? In the words of Greene.

It was claimed by Ocasio-Cortez that “I truly believe that it is self-evident.”

The remark that Greene gave was rather straightforward: “Yeah, you don’t have enough intelligence.”

After a couple of more minutes of discussion in the chamber of the parliament, the committee ultimately came to the conclusion that it would be in Greene’s best interest to grant her permission to finish the allotted length of time for her to articulate her thoughts. Jasmine Crockett, on the other hand, had not yet begun his work.

Crocket responded by saying, “I am simply curious, just to make sure that I understand your ruling.” “If someone on this committee was to then begin discussing someone else’s bleach blonde, bad built, butch body, would that be engaging in personalities?

“What should we do now?” As the Comer puts it. Comer eventually requested a five-minute break after a length of time during which members began to shout at one another.

Representative Lauren Boebert, a Republican from Colorado, who is known for being one of the most angry Republicans in the House, but who is also a rival of Greene, made an effort to bring about a state of calm once they returned. Boebert is also a member of the House of Representatives.

Boebert conveyed his disappointment to the people of the United States of America by stating, “I just want to apologize.” “When things get as heated as they have, unfortunately, it’s an embarrassment on our body as a whole,” according to the individual concerned.

Instead, the Jasmine Crockett meeting got off to a late start due to the fact that some Republicans spent the morning attending Donald Trump’s trial in New York.

The hearing was expected to spotlight Republicans’ ongoing effort to hold United States Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress; instead, it got off to a late start. Prior to the moment that Comer brought the meeting to order, it is Jasmine Crockett possible that the legislators had been more agitated than they typically are.

At one point, Representative Jamie Raskin, a Democrat from Maryland, voiced his opinion, saying, “I think these 17-hour days might not work for us.”


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Salman Ahmad is a seasoned writer for CTN News, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to the platform. With a knack for concise yet impactful storytelling, he crafts articles that captivate readers and provide valuable insights. Ahmad's writing style strikes a balance between casual and professional, making complex topics accessible without compromising depth.
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