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Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra To Be Indicted For Insulting Monarchy




(CTN News) – Thailand’s former Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, faces indictment on charges of insulting the monarchy, the nation’s attorney-general announced.

The charges stem from a 2015 interview Thaksin gave to a Korean newspaper, during his 15-year exile, in which he accused the king’s advisory body of orchestrating the 2014 military coup that toppled his sister Yingluck Shinawatra’s government.

Thaksin’s return to Thailand last year was seen as a significant moment in the country’s fraught political landscape, potentially signaling the end of longstanding animosity between his influential political dynasty and conservative factions.

His comeback appeared to facilitate a coalition between his party and some political adversaries, aimed at sidelining the progressive Move Forward Party, which had gained substantial support in the 2023 elections.

However, the decision to charge the 74-year-old under Thailand‘s stringent lese majeste law highlights the enduring influence of his opponents within the royalist establishment.

The law, which criminalizes defamation, insults, or threats to the royal family, has been increasingly used as a tool against political dissenters.

In recent years, it has been interpreted broadly to encompass any negative commentary about the monarchy, including bodies associated with it, such as the privy council.

A Controversial Figure in Thai Politics

Thaksin Shinawatra, a towering figure in Thai politics, served as Prime Minister from 2001 until his ousting by a military coup in 2006. His populist policies and substantial rural support have made him both a beloved and polarizing figure.

Following his removal, Thaksin lived in self-imposed exile to avoid corruption charges, which he and his supporters claim were politically motivated.

In 2011, his sister Yingluck Shinawatra became Thailand’s first female Prime Minister, continuing the family’s political legacy. Her administration was similarly disrupted by a military coup in 2014, which Thaksin attributed to maneuvers by the privy council.

His allegations in the 2015 interview are the crux of the current lese majeste charges.

Lese Majeste Law’s Broad Reach

Thailand’s lese majeste law, formally known as Article 112 of the Thai Criminal Code, is among the strictest in the world. The statute allows for severe penalties, including up to 15 years in prison per offense.

Although the privy council is not directly covered by the law, recent interpretations have extended its protection to any criticism perceived to affect the monarchy’s reputation.

Since the surge in mass protests four years ago, where the monarchy faced unprecedented public scrutiny, over 270 individuals have been charged under the lese majeste law. Critics argue that the law is misused to stifle free speech and suppress political opposition.

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Implications and Reactions

Thaksin’s legal team has expressed confidence in their ability to contest the charges, but the lengthy judicial process may impede his political activities and ambitions.

The indictment reflects ongoing tension between Thailand’s populist factions and the entrenched royalist establishment.

Political analysts suggest that the charges against Thaksin could rekindle political instability, undermining the delicate balance achieved by recent coalition arrangements.

The indictment serves as a stark reminder of the deep-seated divisions within Thai society and the formidable power of the monarchy and its allies.

As Thailand braces for this high-profile legal battle, the international community watches closely, aware that the outcome will have significant repercussions for the nation’s political trajectory and its approach to freedom of expression.

Arsi Mughal is a staff writer at CTN News, delivering insightful and engaging content on a wide range of topics. With a knack for clear and concise writing, he crafts articles that resonate with readers. Arsi's pieces are well-researched, informative, and presented in a straightforward manner, making complex subjects accessible to a broad audience. His writing style strikes the perfect balance between professionalism and casual approachability, ensuring an enjoyable reading experience.

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