The Chiang Rai Times collects information about its readers and supporters for two primary reasons:

1.To assist us monitor and enhance the services we provide.

2.To deliver individualised services tailored to each individual reader.

Our Principles.

We are committed to preserving our readers’ privacy through the following procedures.

1. The Chiang Rai Times will invest in high-quality security technology to protect readers’ privacy (within budget constraints).

2. We will protect your email privacy. Our readers will not get unsolicited marketing emails from The Chiang Rai Times unless they register as a subscription. Subscribers to the Chiang Rai Times agree to receive frequent news updates, occasional emails with information or questions regarding registration or subscriptions, and occasional donation requests or Irrawaddy marketing and media product updates.

3. We shall not disclose any identifiable reader information (including email addresses) to other parties unless we have the reader’s prior consent.

4. We always ensure that any contractors we hire to manage the website and services (for example, hosting providers) are subject to rigorous contractual responsibilities. They can only process data on our behalf and in compliance with our principles and directions, not for any other independent reason.

5. We will only provide anonymous aggregate statistics about our readers, sales, and traffic trends to our advertisers.

What information do we gather?

We collect information about our readers in the following ways: through cookies, registration, and when readers opt to share data in postings or surveys.

The minimal information required to register a subscription is: name, email address, country, and postal address for print distribution.

We may also request extra information from our subscribers or conduct occasional surveys to determine reader demographics (age, occupation, education, etc.) or solicit reader comments. These surveys are voluntary for readers to take, and the information collected will be used only to analyse reading trends, never for personal identification of users.

The information is used to help us sell appropriate advertising space and thereby keep the site free. It may also allow us to customise services for our readers. We do not share this information with third parties unless readers specifically agree to it.

How do we safeguard customer information?

We invest in high-quality internet security and adhere to strict security standards while storing and disclosing reader information to avoid unauthorised access.

Will we share the information we gather with third parties?

The Chiang Rai Times will not sell, trade, or rent readers’ personal information to anybody without their permission.

We may share aggregate statistics about our readers, sales, traffic patterns, and other site information with reputable third-party partners, but these statistics will not include personally identifiable information.

Please be aware that we reserve the right to access and share personally identifiable information in order to comply with relevant laws and authorised government requests, to properly operate our systems, and to safeguard ourselves and our users.

Any data processors who have access to reader data while delivering services on our behalf are subject to contractual limits that ensure reader data is protected and not used independently by such third party.

Cookies and Third Party Advertisements

Google, as a third-party provider, utilises cookies to display advertisements on your website. Google’s usage of the DART cookie allows it to deliver adverts to users based on their visits to your sites and other websites on the Internet. Users can opt out of the DART cookie by visiting Google’s ad and content network privacy policy.

When you visit our website, we enable third-party firms to display advertisements and/or gather certain anonymous information. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) collected during your visits to this and other websites to provide advertisements for goods and services that are more likely to be of interest to you.

To collect this information, these companies often utilise cookies or third-party web beacons. To discover more about behavioural advertising or to opt out of it, go to

Changes to Policy

If we need to modify our privacy policy, we’ll post it here. Where there are major changes, we may choose to send all of our subscribers with the new information. CTN New will not accept or promote any sponsored material that it deems spam in accordance with Google guidelines.

Thank you.

The Chiang Rai Times